Our board consists of visionary leaders dedicated to fostering innovation in the domains of finance and technology. Each member brings unique qualities to drive our mission forward. Together, they empower the next generation of changemakers.

Vedant Agarwal's picture

Vedant Agarwal


Suhani Patel's picture

Suhani Patel

Vice President

Samriddhi Mishra's picture

Samriddhi Mishra

General Secretary

Aayushman Jain's picture

Aayushman Jain


Nishant Dahiya's picture

Nishant Dahiya

Head of Operations

Nihar Madhekar's picture

Nihar Madhekar

Quant & Algo Trading Head

Debarun Karmakar's picture

Debarun Karmakar

Finance & Banking Head

Mohammed Hadi's picture

Mohammed Hadi

Blockchain & Web3 Head

Sujai Murali's picture

Sujai Murali

Cybersecurity Head

Abhuday Singh's picture

Abhuday Singh

Data Analysis & ML Head

Pranav G Nayak's picture

Pranav G Nayak

Fullstack Development Head

Ayush Das's picture

Ayush Das

Public Relations Head

Aditya Sharma's picture

Aditya Sharma

Social Media & Graphic Design Head